Service Limits
Understanding our service limits and how they work across different services.
Service Types
Minimum order: 100 followers. Limits are per username.
Minimum order: 100 likes. Limits are per post.
Minimum order: 100 comments. Limits are per post.
How Limits Work
Our service limits are dynamic and based on system availability. Here's what you need to know:
Each service has its own limit based on our current capacity
Follower limits are set per IMVU username
Like and comment limits are set per individual post
Limits can increase over time as our capacity grows
You can view your current limits in the dashboard
Place multiple orders as limits increase
Important Notes
Keep these points in mind when placing orders:
Minimum order amount is 100 for all services
Maximum amount depends on current service limits
You can check available limits before ordering
Orders exceeding limits will not be accepted
Contact support if you need limit information